Work Party From Hucknall Nottingham 7 people - Totally Smashed it this week, only fishing in the evening but pulling out 110 fish with Karl Greenfield  organising the work trip.  This was Jamie Dean's 1st French fishing trip and boy did he pull in the weight with a total of 42 fish from 20lb to 56lb including 3 fish in their 50s (well done Jamie) to think only 3 years ago Jamie you were sitting on a shakespear box noddy angling and with the guidance and mentoring from Karl Greenfield you have become a up and coming Carp Angler!!!!! followed by Lyndon Thrower pulling in 19 fish from 16lb to 44lb 3rd place was Richard Binch weighing in with 12 fish from 18lb to 45lb closly followed by Karl Greenfield coming in with 10 fish from 21lb to 46.3lb and the same amount of fish 10 for Darren Flowers with weight from 19.10lb to 41.8lb Andrew Thornley collected a total of 9 fish from 26.2lb to 50.4lb and finally Mark Spencer pulling in 8 fish from 23.8lb to 45lb some absoulutly stunning fish caught this week (photo's to follow) thank you and well done lads it was a pleasure having you at J2 the hard work paid off for both sides.

Jurassica 2 Carp Fishing France   Private Carp Fishing in Northern France - Tel: +33 323 52 54 31